Modelle von Geldautomaten
- 56xx
- 58xx (Personas)
- 53xx (EasyPoint)
- 66xx/20xx (SelfServ)
- 668x (SelfServ80) *
PCs und Hauptplatinen
- LPX PC Core, Diamond/Trent motherboards (Pentium-I) *
- NLX PC Core, PELE motherboard (Pentium-I) *
- NLX PC Core, Phantom motherboard (Pentium-II) *
- NLX PC Core, PELE-II motherboard (Pentium-III) *
- ATX PC Core, PIVAT motherboard (Pentium-IV)
- ATX PC Core, Talladega motherboard (Intel Core 2)
- ATX PC Core, Pocono motherboard (Intel Sandy Bridge)
- mITX PC Core, Kingsway motherboard (Intel Core 2)
- mITX PC Core, Riverside motherboard (Intel Sandy Bridge)
- mITX PC Core, Lanier motherboard (Intel Atom N270)
- mITX PC Core, Lanier-II motherboard (Intel Atom D2550)
- mITX PC Core, Estoril motherboard (Intel Haswell) *
- mITX PC Core, Misano motherboard (Intel Skylake) *
- SDC Cash Dispensers (56xx / IE / Enhanced / ASIC)
- SDC Cash Dispensers with Encryption Enhancement (PDEE)
- SDC New Cash Dispensers (P86 / NID / NID2)
- SDC New Cash Dispensers with Encryption Enhancement (PDEE)
- SDC Spray Cash Dispenser on 5870 (Bantam)
- RS232 Spray Cash Dispenser (Hawk)
- RS232 Spray Cash Dispenser with Encryption Enhancement (SDEE)
- USB S1 Cash Dispenser
- USB S1 Cash Dispenser with Encryption Enhancement
- USB S2 Media Dispenser * *
- SDC Envelope Depository (Dual-Processor / Single-Processor)
- SDC Motorized Envelope Dispenser
- SDC Envelope Depository with Dispenser Option (PPD-EDO)
- USB Envelope Dispenser and Depository
Notenannahmen und Recycler
- RS232 BNA-1 (Glory UD-10 / UD-40 / UD-50)
- RS232 BNA-2 (Glory UD-600 / UD-686)
- USB BNA-3 (Glory UD-700)
- USB GBNA / GBRU (Fujitsu G610)
- USB GBNA / GBRU (Fujitsu G610) with Encryption Enhancement (GBEE)
- USB BRM (Glory BRM-10) * *
- USB Document Processing Module on BA18/BA19 (Sankyo IST-300 USB DPM)
- USB Cheque Processing Module (iTran-1000 CPM-2 / CPM-3)
- USB Cheque Processing Module (iTran-1000 CPM-4)
- USB Scalable Cheque Processing Module (SCPM)
- USB Scalable Deposit Module (SDM)
- USB Scalable Deposit Module (SDM) with DVM validator *
- USB Scalable Deposit Module 2 (SDM2) * *
- SDC MCRW Card Reader
- SDC MCRW with Smart/EMV
- SDC DIP Card Reader
- RS232 IMCRW Card Reader
- RS232 IMCRW with Smart/EMV
- RS232 IMCRW with CIM/MM
- RS232 DIP and Smart Card Reader (Sankyo ICM300 DASH)
- RS232 Swipe Card Reader
- USB IMCRW Card Reader
- USB IMCRW with Smart/EMV
- USB Smart DIP Card Reader (Omron V4KU)
- USB MISO Smart-Only Card Reader (Sankyo ICM0B0-1290) *
- USB Contactless Card Reader (ViVOtech ViVOpay Kiosk II) *
- USB Contactless Card Reader 2 (IDtech ViVOpay Kiosk III) *
- Skimming Protection Solution version 2.2 (USB IMCRW, green bezel) *
- Skimming Protection Solution version 2.3 (Serial IMCRW) *
- Skimming Protection Solution version 2.4 (USB DIP reader, green bezel) *
- Skimming Protection Solution version 3.0 (USB IMCRW, black bezel) *
- Skimming Protection Solution version 3.1 (USB DIP reader, black bezel) *
Verschlüsselnde Pin-Tastenfelder
- SDC Basic Alpha Pin Pad Encryptor (BAPE / HiBAPE)
- SDC Encrypting Keyboard Controller (EKC)
- SDC EKC Security Module (EKCSM SiCam / Philips)
- SDC EPP-B - International (DAPI1 / DAPI7)
- SDC EPP-E - Germany (DAPI5 / DAPI2)
- SDC EPP-B - France (DAPI4 / DAPI9)
- SDC EPP-E - Swiss (DAPI3 / DAPI8)
- USB EPP2 - International (LGCY / INTL)
- USB EPP2 - Germany (GER_L / GER)
- USB EPP2 - France (FRA_L / FRA)
- USB EPP2 - Swiss (SWI_L / SWI)
- USB EPP3 - International (INTL_6x)
- USB EPP4 - International (INTL_8x)
Beleg- und Journaldrucker
- SDC Receipt and Journal Matrix Printers
- SDC Receipt and Journal Thermal Printers
- RS232 Journal Printer (Axiohm / TEC)
- RS232 Receipt Printer (Axiohm / TEC)
- RS232 60mm (Transportless) Receipt Printer
- USB Journal Printer
- USB Receipt Printer
- USB Two-Side Receipt Printer
- USB Dual-Roll Receipt Printer *
- USB LOOP Receipt Printer *
- USB LEAP (Mini, Low-end, Transportless) Receipt Printer
- SDC Statement Thermal Printer
- SDC Enhanced Statement Printer (SDC+)
- USB Statement Printer
- USB Two-Side Statement Printer
- USB Dual-Roll Statement Printer
- USB Fanfold Statement Printer
- SDC Basic Operator Panels (BOP)
- SDC Extended Operator Panels (EOP)
- USB Graphic Operator Panel (GOP / uGOP)
- USB Compact Operator Panel (COP)
- USB Front Service Interface Keyboard (FSI)
- RS232 Surface Acoustic Wave Touch Screen (ELO)
- USB Surface Acoustic Wave Touch Screen (ELO 2700 IntelliTouch)
- USB Capacitive (CAP) Touch Screen (GDS)
- USB Projected Capacitive (PCAP) Exterior Touch Screen (Zytronic)
- USB Projected Capacitive (PCAP) UPDD Touch Screen (Zytronic X-Y)
- USB Projected Capacitive (PCAP) UPDD Multi-Touch Screen (Advanced Silicon) *
Sonstige Geräte
- PC Miscellaneous Interface on 5670/5870 *
- SDC Miscellaneous Interface on LPX Core (StdPC) *
- SDC Miscellaneous Interface on NLX Core
- USB Miscellaneous Interface (Standard)
- USB Miscellaneous Interface (Enhanced / Express Banking / MFR) *
- USB Mini Miscellaneous Interface
- USB Midi Miscellaneous Interface
- Media Entry Indicators
- Miscellaneous Indicators (In-Service / Fascia Light)
- Alarms
- Mode Switch
- RS232 Barcode Reader (SSI)
- USB 2D Barcode Reader (5180SR) *
- * Diese Geräte werden mit ATMdesk X (Version 10) nicht mehr unterstützt und müssen mit Version 8-Software gewartet werden.
- * Diese Geräte werden mit der Version 8-Software nicht unterstützt, und Sie müssen ein Upgrade auf die Software ATMdesk X (Version 10) durchführen.
- * Dies sind Media Handling 2.0-Geräte, für die eine erweiterte ATMdesk/Pro+ -Lizenz (oder eine Reparaturzentren-Lizenz) erforderlich ist.
ATMdesk unterstützt nur jene Geldautomaten, die zuvor aufgeführt sind. Geräte, die nicht explizit erwähnt werden, werden derzeit nicht unterstützt.
Wir arbeiten ständig daran, um weitere Geräte zu unterstützen, und wir freuen uns über Ihre Anfragen zum Hinzufügen neuer Geräte.
Beachten Sie, dass wir nicht garantieren können, dass ATMdesk jedes verfügbare Gerät unterstützt.